Introducing NikGapps Elites: Rewarding Our Valuable Contributors

Greetings everyone,

Today, we’re excited to introduce NikGapps Elites, an initiative designed to recognize and honor the invaluable contributions made to the NikGapps project.

Since our inception, NikGapps has been empowered by the unwavering support from our committed community. Whether it’s monetary donations, ROM recommendations, or invaluable code contributions, every act has played a pivotal role in shaping NikGapps into its current form. Today, we’re opening doors to the NikGapps Elites program to those who have contributed to NikGapps or intend to do so in future.

Exclusive Benefits for NikGapps Elites

  • Highly Compressed Zip Files: Saving your data and speeding up downloads.
  • Signed Zips: Ensuring a secure and reliable NikGapps experience.
  • Consistent Releases: A personalized build automatically created with every stable release. No need for manual custom build requests, saving your time.
  • Exclusive Elite page on NikGapps page: A dedicated page for your personalized builds on nikgapps website.
  • Personally Validated Builds: Ensuring packages don’t conflict for a seamless user experience, you don’t run into errors while flashing the builds just because the chosen combination of pacakges wasn’t right.
  • Device Specific Builds: Rom Devs can establish a device specific folder for their ROM depending on the configuration of the device, allowing users to download a build tailored to their device. Instead of suggesting separate NikGapps core and addons, Rom Devs can recommend a single file with all components included.
  • Name in the Recovery: A special badge of honor.
  • Ability to Debloat with your <elite>.config: You will be able to debloat your system using your personalized config.
  • Hassle free config updates: You will be able to update your personalized config without having to upload the config again. You can make changes to your already uploaded config and submit the changes via pull request.

While the NikGapps Elites program is about appreciating past contributors, it’s also a call to more people to join us in this mission. Whether it’s a donation, ROM recommendation, or code contribution, every act helps in advancing NikGapps.

For more details on the NikGapps Elites program on how to join and how it works, check below thread

How to Join NikGapps Elites

Join the contributors list by making a contribution in one of the following ways

  1. Become a sponsor or Make a donation of any amount to NikGapps via PayPal or Patreon.
  2. Recommend NikGapps to your ROM.
  3. Contribute through code to NikGapps or help address a critical issue.
  4. Create a tutorial video on NikGapps and share it with us.

I am a Contributor, How do I benefit from the Elite program?

  • Create an issue here, add brief details of your contribution in the issue description for nikgapps team to review and add the folder name you need access to in the issue title. Example: Add me to NikGapps Elites: <folder_name> or refer this.
  • Once your contribution is verified, your github account will be added to the NikGapps Elites list and you will then be able to configure your elite build (check below on how).

NikGapps Elites: Configuration and Working

  • Similar to creating user builds, you can now create an elite build by submitting a pull request to the elite folder.
  • Create a config file at elite/<android_version>/<folder_name>/<elite>.config in fork of config repo and send a pull request.
  • The android_version signifies the Android version of your elite build, while folder_name indicates the name of your dedicated folder in which you can control your <elite>.config. Please note, you need to make sure the path to your config file is correct. It must be exactly elite/<android_version>/<folder_name>/<your_elite>.config.
  • You can have multiple folders under your name for different purposes, such as personal builds and supporting device builds.
  • Each new stable release automatically generates an elite build that is made available to your dedicated Elite Page - (github_username is the name of your github account).
  • If you made a mistake and wish to create a new elite build for the same config, you can do so by editing your config file, making the corrections and submitting the pull request. The new build will be automatically generated and made available in your dedicated Elite page shortly after your changes are merged.


Head over to FAQs page to get answers to some of the most common questions about NikGapps Elites.

Thank you for your support, and a warm welcome to NikGapps Elites!